Just a reminder to all parents that this Summer Course is for fun and is not an elite school. We are an inclusive school and welcome all abilities.


 JW19 Summer Soccer School 2024

 at St Christopher School



Tuesday 30th July, Wednesday 31st July, Thursday 1st Aug 2024


Tuesday 13th Aug, Wednesday 14th Aug, Thursday 15th Aug 2024

10am – 4pm 

4yrs - 14 yrs

To book email and Bank Transfer payment. 

Details available to download on the Booking Form at the bottom of this page.



Book through Eventbrite  

Booking Fee applies through Eventbrite.




Please read and follow the rules and guidelines carefully.


1.    Parking is in Muddy Lane and go through the gate at the bottom of the road or Barrington Road Car  Park.

2.   Signing in will be in front of the pavilion and details of which group your child is in.  If you have a   query regarding their group, please speak to Paul and we can make changes if necessary.

3.   If you have only booked for two days, please confirm the days when you register with your coach. 

4.   Please ensure that your child has a packed lunch, at least 1 litre of drink (Non-fizzy), waterproof   jacket, sun cream and a hat.

5.   Any epipens/inhalers must be placed on top of bag and coach informed.   

6.   All players must wear shin pads and bring football boots/trainers.

7.   At the end of the week there will be a whole group awards presentation. Each player will receive a   trophy and all parents are welcome.



BUT most of all come down and have lots of fun!!!


It would also be great if you could like/follow our facebook page as we put regular updates on there. @grassrootssoccerletchworth